Civil Society & Inclusive Governance

Civil Society & Inclusive Governance

© Photo: People in Need

As People in Need is committed to the approach of building the capacity of local self-government, the principles of inclusion and maximum community involvement in all programme processes, the Social Inclusion and Protection sector has become the core of our interventions. We strive to be an open and transparent organization for all stakeholders, paying special attention to raising awareness of their rights. That is why we involve local communities and representatives of the humanitarian sector at all stages of project implementation, from the preparation stage to the presentation of the results achieved. Through focus groups and open discussions, we have managed to engage all social, age, ethnic and other groups of the population.

Through grant support for civic initiatives, People in Need implements various mini-projects initiated by both communities and local NGOs. This contributes to significant activation of communities, has a positive impact on the interaction between local authorities and society, and improves the quality of social services on the ground. In addition, within the framework of cluster meetings, "People in Need" maintains close contact with various departments and other organizations working in the humanitarian sector.

In close cooperation with representatives of communities and local authorities, People in Need creates levers of control over the implementation of programmes at the local level, develops and implements recommendations for community self-organization, and supports the creation of initiative groups that improve the level and quality of self-government.

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Past Activities

Activating conflict affected communities in Eastern Ukraine towards addressing communal level priority humanitarian needs and reviving social life through community-based approach

Activating conflict affected communities in Eastern Ukraine towards addressing communal level priority humanitarian needs and reviving social life through community-based approach

The project launched in April 2020 activates conflict affected communities in eastern Ukraine towards addressing communal level priority humanitarian needs and reviving social life through community-based approach through increasing communities’ social cohesion and decrease tensions within the communities through activating and uniting its members around joint communal actions addressing humanitarian and recovery needs via well-tailored initiatives identified and prioritized by the communities.