Responding to destruction of the Kakhovka Dam

Emergency preparedness and response

© Photo: Alberto Lores

In 2014, our organisation, which has been present in Ukraine since 2003, began implementing humanitarian programmes alongside our human rights activities. Since the very first days of the war, our team has brought to aid people affected by the war.

After 24 February 2022, with our extensive experience in emergency situations, we promptly responded to humanitarian challenges. Since the beginning of the Russian Federation's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, we have expanded our activities to 23 oblasts of Ukraine, thanks to the financial support of international donors and partners.

Our emergency assistance is aimed at supporting both people seeking refuge from the war and local communities affected by it. We respond quickly to the humanitarian challenges caused by the constant shelling and are often among the first to provide support in liberated territories. Our assistance includes construction materials for rapid repairs, drinking water delivery, food parcels, hygiene products, and psychological support for the victims.

In addition, we continue to provide equipment to collective centres for IDP (internally displaced persons), where we provide basic food and hygiene support. Newly arrived residents of safer communities and vulnerable groups receive direct financial assistance and compensation for utility bills or rent. We also offer specialised psychological support and help restore Ukraine's education system by creating child-friendly spaces and renovating schools and their shelters.

Through close cooperation with partners, other humanitarian organisations, and local authorities, we can respond effectively to crises, and we remain a leading actor in the humanitarian sector in Ukraine.

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Ongoing ActivitiesORPast Activities

Improving resilience and well-being of populations affected by the full scale invasion in Ukraine (Psychosocial Support and Protection)

Improving resilience and well-being of populations affected by the full scale invasion in Ukraine (Psychosocial Support and Protection)

The psychological stress caused by the war has led to an increased demand for psychosocial support. This project includes psychological support for adults and children through group and individual professional counseling, art therapy groups, violence prevention sessions, and learning mental regulation techniques. In addition, the project provides psychological services through child-friendly spaces, which allows for the adaptation of support to different age groups of children.
Improving meaningful access to emergency assistance for vulnerable  persons affected by the full scale invasion in Ukraine

Improving meaningful access to emergency assistance for vulnerable persons affected by the full scale invasion in Ukraine

The affected population faces a deterioration in social well-being and an exacerbation of existing vulnerabilities, which can lead them to resort to negative coping strategies. To project seeks to reduce the risk of shock and stress on people affected by the war. To this end, the project works with two main groups: war-affected residents of communities that do not receive adequate services and local organizations working in the project areas. The areas of work include: providing emergency psychological assistance through mobile teams, providing financial support to war-affected people, and developing and implementing a training programme for local civil society organizations.
Locally led, Inclusive and Versatile Emergency Support to Conflict Affected Populations in Ukraine

Locally led, Inclusive and Versatile Emergency Support to Conflict Affected Populations in Ukraine

This project aims to increase access to emergency assistance and improve protection for internally displaced persons and other groups affected by the war in Ukraine. The project provides training and support to partner CSOs, thus enabling them to respond quickly to the urgent needs of vulnerable groups. The project also provides individual emergency kits and multi-purpose cash assistance to vulnerable households.
Provision of cash assistance in Ukraine

Provision of cash assistance in Ukraine

This cash assistance program aims to meet people's basic needs in emergency situations. The program provides multi-purpose cash assistance to internally displaced persons and others affected by the war. The types of assistance include financial support for vulnerable households, financial assistance for rental housing and winterization.
Provision of multi-sectoral humanitarian assistance to conflict affected populations in Ukraine

Provision of multi-sectoral humanitarian assistance to conflict affected populations in Ukraine

This project is implemented by People in Need, in partnership with other international and local organizations, as part of the ACCESS consortium.
The partners provide food assistance, water delivery, shelter and winterization assistance, medical and psychosocial services, and advocacy to improve access to basic services for the most vulnerable. We also repair water supply systems in coordination with local authorities.
Provision of emergency life-saving shelter and NFI assistance to conflict-affected communities and newly accessible areas in the east of Ukraine

Provision of emergency life-saving shelter and NFI assistance to conflict-affected communities and newly accessible areas in the east of Ukraine

This project is being implemented in areas with limited access and liberated settlements, where people cannot repair their destroyed houses without external support and where the market for construction goods is limited or destroyed.
The project's assistance includes the distribution of Emergency Shelter Kits (ESK) and Non-Food Items (NFI) for bomb shelters, as these are the two most needed types of support for the most affected communities. ESKs contain weather-resistant materials that enable urgent repairs to damaged homes. NFI distribution is being undertaken to provide communities with decent conditions in formal and non-formal shelters, which were selected in coordination with local authorities and trained community volunteers. 
Provision of humanitarian assistance to population affected by the fighting and internally displaced persons through local partnerships in Ukraine

Provision of humanitarian assistance to population affected by the fighting and internally displaced persons through local partnerships in Ukraine

This project provides immediate life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable populations in areas affected by hostilities, recently liberated settlements, and regions with large populations of IDPs; the project seeks to meet the most immediate needs of these populations.
Czech MFA 2023​​Improvement of housing solutions for internally displaced persons in Western Ukraine

Czech MFA 2023​​Improvement of housing solutions for internally displaced persons in Western Ukraine

The project's target group is internally displaced persons (IDP) living in collective centers in western Ukraine. People in Need support IDP families by covering their immediate needs for shelter and non-food items. We also provide logistical support and refurbishment of collective centers, and work to increase the integration and protection of people affected by the war.
Improving access to learning for children affected by the full scale invasion in Ukraine

Improving access to learning for children affected by the full scale invasion in Ukraine

In the context of the catastrophic impact of the hostilities on Ukraine's education system, the partners in this education project are working to ensure access to education for children who continue to suffer from the consequences of the war. The project is focused on supporting formal schools, temporary learning spaces, and digital learning centres, as well as providing relevant training for teachers and caregivers seeking advanced training in parenting, first aid, mine safety, and social and emotional development.

Improving access to safe drinking water for the conflict-affected population through decentralized water supply systems in Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts

Improving access to safe drinking water for the conflict-affected population through decentralized water supply systems in Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts

In June 2020 together with UNICEF PIN started the project which aims to improving access to safe drinking water of conflict-affected population with decentralized water systems in Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts. In parallel to rehabilitation of outdated and war-damaged water supply infrastructure, PIN also focusing on developing local capacities to undertake maintenance and management of the rehabilitated water systems.
Emergency assistance to prevent and respond to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in eastern Ukraine

Emergency assistance to prevent and respond to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in eastern Ukraine

The project started in June 2020 aims to provide immediate relief while enabling to build sufficient stability for vulnerable populations’ enhanced resilience in the face of COVID-19. It is designed in line with international humanitarian standards on COVID-19 as well as the Ukraine COVID-19 Response Plan. Project focuses on Health, WASH and Protection sectors. Under the Health sector project plans are to carry large-scale risk communication to contribute to preventing the spread of the epidemic in eastern Ukraine. Under the WASH sector project plans are to offer targeted assistance to individuals to support handwashing and ensure coverage of basic WASH hygiene and dignity needs among the most vulnerable and exposed with a particularly focus on the elderly women and men, and women and men with disability and chronic illnesses that put them at greater risk, as well as on caregivers, mostly female, formal (social sectors) and informal, at the frontline of assistance to communities. Under the Protection sector, project offers large-scale psycho-social support through its hotline and online/sms materials for immediate response to the acute stress and risks already observable.
Provision of multisectorial assistance to the conflict affected population in eastern Ukraine

Provision of multisectorial assistance to the conflict affected population in eastern Ukraine

People in Need together with four other international organizations launched the ACCESS Consortium project to ensure coordinated multisectoral humanitarian assistance for conflict-affected populations in eastern Ukraine.Through sectoral and geographical synergies, the project responds to the emergency needs of populations residing in Donbas. Alongside water and food security assistance, shelter rehabilitations and winterization, the project provides health and psychosocial services, and advocates for people’s access to essential services.